Wildflower and Native Plant Walk at Cedar Hill

06/13/2024 05:30 PM - 06:45 PM ET


  • Free


Park/meet in lot of Cedar Hill Girl Scout Camp
265 Beaver Street
Waltham, MA 02452
United States of America


Join us on for an easy amble through the fields and forests of the expansive Girl Scout property [https://www.gsema.org/en/activities-and-camp/summer-camp/day/cedar-hill.html], which normally is not open to the public.


Join us on for an easy amble through the fields and forests of the expansive Girl Scout property [https://www.gsema.org/en/activities-and-camp/summer-camp/day/cedar-hill.html], which normally is not open to the public. We’ll look for white trillium, May apple, bellwort, Pennsylvania bittercress, pink Lady’s slippers, two types of sarsaparilla, and Dittany (aka Gas plant)—not a native plant but popular in the 1800s-1900s. We’ll also see if Chestnut trees, the gorgeous Yellowwood trees, or a Fringe tree are in bloom (this is about the right time). Bring bug spray and wear shoes suitable for walking.


Neon CRM by Neon One